Jet Lag Fan Game: Mall Manhunt


Mall Manhunt is a game you can play with a few friends in a mall or similar area. One member attempts to avoid being tracked down and caught by the others. The game includes several variations that can be combined in many ways, for a variety of experiences and customization.


A group of 3 or more (the more the better). One person will be the Hunted, the others will be the Hunters. The game is designed for a place like a mall, though any large public space will work (with adequate cover). The Hunters will all be on a call with one another, so you’ll need some way to group call. For extra difficulty (for hunters), the Hunted can be listening on the call as well. Different versions may require other items, such as money to be spent.

How to play:

You all start at a designated place, preferably the center or the entrance. The Hunted gets 1-5 minutes head start depending on the size of the mall. After the time is up, the Hunters go. The objective of the game is for the Hunters to capture the Hunted by tagging them. The Hunters get to communicate with each other to try and track down the Hunted, who does their best to avoid getting caught.

Game versions:

Time Limit:

This is the most basic version. The Hunters get a certain amount of time to catch the Hunted in. If the Hunted can last for the designated amount of time, they win. The Hunters win if they catch the Hunted in time. It’s good for starters, but it does allow the Hunter to just hide, which doesn’t make for a fun game.

Secret Base:

In this version, the Hunted has a certain location they have to reach without getting caught by the Hunters, such as the opposite side of the mall. The Hunters are not allowed to stake it out. Time Limit can be added to this one too for extra difficulty.

Shopping Challenge:

The Hunted has to purchase certain items without getting caught by Hunters. The items can’t be too specific (like from a certain store). Examples: 1 clothing and 1 food item. For extra difficulty, you can add a time limit to this too. If you don’t want the Hunted to have to spend money every time, the winner’s prize can be that the loser(s) has to pay for the items.


In this version, there are multiple Hunteds competing against one another. It can be applied to another game version (e.g. Competition Secret Base, where the first one to arrive wins, or Competition Shopping Challenge, where the first one to purchase the items wins.).


This is a complex version that requires a lot of people. There are 2(+) teams, each with their Hunted and Hunters. The Hunters of one team have to go after the Hunted of the other; however, the Hunters can also stop one another by capturing/tagging them in the same way they would a Hunted. The Hunters help out their team’s Hunted as well. Mafia can be applied to the other game versions (Mafia Time Limit, which would basically be a last-man-standing situation; Mafia Shopping Challenge, Mafia Secret Base).


Basic Rules:

Version-Specific Rules:

Time Limit:

Secret Base:

Shopping Challenge:



Have Fun!